
Portal stories mel review
Portal stories mel review

portal stories mel review

Massive respect to the studio that made this game, I'm sure I could trick a lot of people into thinking this is an official game. Literally no reason not to play it if you like Portal. The number one reason to get this game is that, if you have Portal 2, it's free. I really don't like using walkthroughs but spending an hour on a puzzle isn't super fun either. or something, because the puzzles are REALLY hard. One thing I wish this game had was at least some kind of hints. This could be a bug with Source, but I haven't had the alt + tab'ing issue with other Source games. One problem I've had with this game is constant unexplained crashes, especially when I alt + tab or change settings.

portal stories mel review portal stories mel review

The writing isn't super on-par but everything else is exactly portal - like, if it weren't for the writing and the voice acting (no offense to the writers and VA's, it's hard to live up to Valve standards & budget) it would and could definitely be a new portal game.

Portal stories mel review